Friday, April 25, 2014


I recently had another client who was almost another victim of an "IRS agent" scam. She received a phone call from a "IRS agent" stating that she had "over due" taxes and unless she paid them right then through a major credit card, prepaid card, or debit card they would issue a warrant for her arrest! They will also speak to you in a rude, threatening and agressive manner. They will also know some personal information about you like the last four digits of your social security number, your address, and in some cases, even your mother's maiden name. In some cases, these scammers will have an accomplis call 5 minutes later pretending to be from the police department or from some other government agency encouraging you to listen to the "Agent" or your freedom will be in peril. These scammers usually target the elderly, immigrants, and people who live in low income neighborhoods.

Remember this. The IRS will NEVER,  EVER initiate first contact with you through a phone call. They will also NEVER, EVER initiate an in person visit to your house. Their initial contact with you will always be via official correspondence from their main office. The only acception is if you're already in an audit situation with the IRS, and are already going through an IRS examination, the agent may call you with your permission if you've given him or her your telephone number.   But, other than this, If anyone calls you on the telephone, or shows up at your house representing themselves as an "IRS agent" (cheesy business card and all), tell them to send you a letter and you will forward the letter to your tax professional. But, If they get to aggressive with you, call the police.

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